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Consulting Process Training

Train your organization’s change agents to effectively and efficiently use hypothesis-driven problem solving and linked strategic communications to address mission-critical issues and capture opportunities. Unstructured questions and problems are difficult to address but there is a way to solve them! We arm your employees with the same tools and tactics used by $400K per month external consulting teams. We should probably apologize in advance for helping them to think like seasoned strategy consultants.

Market Landscape

Major topics include

1. Key Issue identification & articulation

2. Hypotheses trees

3. Analytics planning

4. Hypotheses testing

5. Findings & Synthesis

6. Communications Strategy

7. Pyramid Principle Communications

8. Making presentations memorable

9. Mistakes to avoid (lessons learned)

Rationale for the Training:

Hypotheses are mutually exclusive, collectively exhaustive (or chaos ensues)

Hypotheses are tested with analyses. Analyses requires data

Findings flow from proven and disproven hypotheses

Findings are nice but are generally NOT actionable without synthesis

Synthesis leads to recommendations

Recommendations are not only approved but appropriately socialized

Details :

Instructors are experienced consultants that have made the transition from leading external consultancies to leadership of internal strategy & marketing teams

½ day is largely presentation with examples and rigorous Q&A

Our full-day session includes small team breakout sessions for hands-on experience

We provide post-training session support (we expect your organization to actually use their new skills!).


Developed a custom-training course for newly-promoted Directors at one client that introduced them to the power of hypothesis-driven problem solving. Pre-work asked each course participant to bring a real issue or opportunity that they were either asked to solve or were at least exposed to. These real-life problems were then converted to key issues, hypotheses trees and analytical plans in a small group team setting. The course then linked the structure of that problem solving to the structure of the associated strategic communications. Problem solving without influence is incredibly wasteful. Course reviews were exemplary, citing the novelty of the topic, materials used, and energy-level for the small group exercises.

Have a project in mind? Let’s talk.