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Experience Optimization

We optimize BOTH the Employee and Customer Experience

Why The Employee Experience ?

In the rush to embrace efforts to enhance the customer experience, firms consistently ignore the employee experience. In the end, this is self-defeating. An organization cannot provide its prospects and customers with superior experiences using a disengaged workforce. Bluntly put, the customer experience cannot be better than employee experience because your employees are a crucial part of the customer experience.


Why The Customer Experience ?

Customer experience (CX) is the sum-total of customers' perceptions and feelings resulting from interactions with a brand’s products and services. Unfortunately, if your organization is anything like most, it is organized by products, channels, and functions. While this might make your lives easier (read: “manageable”), it has little to nothing to do with how a customer interacts with your organization. Customers experience your brand without necessarily using any product or service. Even when customers do use your products and services, they may choose to interact with the brand across multiple channels. That customer who just walked out of your store without purchasing any of your products had an experience! The prospect that researched features on the website, latest pricing on mobile, only to be told contradictory information over the phone, just had an experience. Flipping the script and viewing your organization from the customer experience lens is enlightening even if it makes you grimace.

How Analytica Partners Can Help

Our method for improving the customer experience is straightforward:



Most companies cannot list their customer experiences.



All experience are not equal. Some are high-volume. Others carry outsized impact or are emotionally severe.



What do we already know about how the experiences we create are being received by customers? Develop metrics and processes to fill voids (and there will be voids).



Create personas. Draw out the customer journey. What (where) are the Moments That Matter. Use Peak-End theory to prioritize elements within an already prioritized experience.



Apply design thinking and digital transformation to update or even obliterate the existing experience. Using a clean-sheet approach, rapidly prototype alternatives in partnership with your clients, marketers, service representatives, technologists, among others.


Plan (the change)

Define the change. Run the numbers. Quantify investment. Quantify returns. Set goals for KPIs. Advance.


Defined experiences at the enterprise-level for a diversified not-for-profit. After prioritizing the list, mapped the journey for the most critical experiences across multiple personas. Deployed user-centered design principles to completely overhaul the critical JOIN experience , which shortened the process and reduced application confusion. The result was a sharp reduction in abandonment and a dramatic increase in net promoter scores among new members.

Have a project in mind? Let’s talk.